Metal Works

Metal Works
DESS Steel Engineering supplies a wide range of metal works products
including Civil works and Building works. Stringent quality control ensures
that its products meet the requirements of the Singapore Standards (SS) and the standards of the respective authorities, namely HDB, LTA and PUB and other international standards. The manufacturing of a product is focused around quality and customer satisfaction. No product exits our warehouse until our engineers are sure that it meets our in-house standard and customer’s


DESS Steel Engineering supplies a wide range of metal works products including Civil works and Building works. Stringent quality control ensures that its products meet the requirements of the Singapore Standards (SS) and the standards of the respective authorities, namely HDB, LTA and PUB and other international standards. The manufacturing of a product is focused around quality and customer satisfaction. No product exits our warehouse until our engineers are sure that it meets our in-house standard and customer’s requirement.